
Title Plant Posting

At Data Services, we understand the importance of accuracy and efficiency in managing your title plant. DSI offers comprehensive Title Plant Posting and Indexing services that utilizes software written by our in-house development team. Our team of experienced data specialists work diligently to provide accurate, high-quality keying services, complete with arbs and mapping, to ensure your title plant is always up-to-date and easy to navigate.
Title Plant Posting Services in Tucson

Title Plant Posting Services

Our team, based in Tucson, Arizona, offers both domestic and offshore Dual Pass keying as an additional quality control measure.

Dual Pass keying is a process wherein two operators independently key data for each document and then the results are compared to identify any discrepancies. This approach significantly reduces the possibility of errors, and it is particularly useful for complex legal descriptions or other information that requires a high degree of accuracy.

In cases where domestic keying may not be the right fit for your needs, we also offer offshore partners who are directly connected to AlphaMax3. To ensure accuracy and quality control, we’ve developed a sophisticated API that helps us maintain consistent quality across all our services. This API is part of every DSI title plant and can also be made available as a standalone service.

We also offer percentage-based validation of offshore keying. In this approach, a sample of the offshore keying work is selected and validated against the original documents. The percentage of errors is calculated and used to adjust the offshore keying work, ensuring a high level of accuracy. This method provides an efficient and cost-effective solution for clients who require offshore keying services while maintaining a high level of quality control.